
Now the feast of unleavened bread drew nigh, which is called the Passover.

Exodus 12:6-23, Leviticus 23:5, Leviticus 23:6, Matthew 26:2, Mark 14:1, Mark 14:2, Mark 14:12, John 11:55-57, 1 Corinthians 5:7, 1 Corinthians 5:8
Reciprocal: Exodus 34:18 - General 2 Chronicles 30:21 - the feast Psalms 2:1 - rage Luke 22:7 - General John 13:1 - the feast Acts 4:27 - of a


And the chief priests and scribes sought how they might kill him; for they feared the people.

Luke 19:47, Luke 19:48, Luke 20:19, Psalms 2:1-5, Matthew 21:38, Matthew 21:45, Matthew 21:46, Matthew 26:3-5, John 11:47-53, John 11:57, Acts 4:27
Reciprocal: Psalms 25:19 - Consider Daniel 6:4 - sought Hosea 5:2 - profound Hosea 6:9 - so Micah 2:1 - to Matthew 21:15 - when Matthew 21:26 - we fear Matthew 26:2 - know Matthew 27:3 - Judas Mark 3:6 - Pharisees Mark 11:32 - they Mark 14:1 - two Luke 20:14 - let John 13:1 - the feast Acts 4:21 - how Acts 5:26 - they Ephesians 2:2 - the spirit


Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.

entered: Matthew 26:14, Mark 14:10, Mark 14:11, John 6:70, John 6:71, John 12:6, John 13:2, John 13:27, Acts 5:3
being: Luke 22:21, Luke 6:16, Psalms 41:9, Psalms 55:12-14, Matthew 26:23, Mark 14:18-20, John 13:18, John 13:26
Reciprocal: Genesis 9:21 - and was Psalms 56:5 - all Zechariah 11:12 - So Matthew 10:4 - and Luke 22:47 - Judas Ephesians 2:2 - the spirit Revelation 12:9 - and Satan Revelation 17:17 - to fulfil


And he went his way, and communed with the chief priests and captains, how he might betray him unto them.

went: Matthew 26:14, Mark 14:10, Mark 14:11
Reciprocal: Genesis 9:21 - and was Proverbs 2:14 - and Luke 22:52 - captains Acts 4:1 - the captain Acts 5:24 - the captain


And they were glad, and covenanted to give him money.

and covenanted: Zechariah 11:12, Zechariah 11:13, Matthew 26:15-16, Matthew 27:3-5, Acts 1:18, Acts 8:20, 1 Timothy 6:9, 1 Timothy 6:10, 2 Peter 2:3, 2 Peter 2:15, Jude 1:11
Reciprocal: Psalms 2:1 - rage Proverbs 2:14 - and Mark 14:11 - they were 1 Corinthians 13:6 - Rejoiceth not


And he promised, and sought opportunity to betray him unto them in the absence of the multitude.

in the absence of the multitude: or, without tumult, Matthew 26:5, Mark 14:2
Reciprocal: Matthew 26:16 - he Mark 14:11 - he sought


Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the passover must be killed.

Luke 22:1, Exodus 12:6, Exodus 12:18, Matthew 26:17, Mark 14:12
Reciprocal: Exodus 12:21 - and take Exodus 23:15 - the feast Leviticus 23:5 - General Numbers 9:2 - his appointed Numbers 28:16 - General 2 Chronicles 30:21 - the feast Matthew 26:5 - Not


And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare us the passover, that we may eat.

he: Mark 14:13-16
Go: Luke 1:6, Matthew 3:15, Galatians 4:4, Galatians 4:5
Reciprocal: Numbers 28:16 - General Deuteronomy 16:2 - sacrifice Matthew 10:2 - John Matthew 26:17 - Where Mark 14:12 - Where Luke 19:30 - General


And they said unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare?

Reciprocal: Matthew 26:17 - Where Mark 12:1 - he began Mark 14:12 - Where


And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in.

Luke 19:29-40, 1 Samuel 10:2-7, Matthew 26:18, Matthew 26:19, John 16:4, Acts 8:26-29
Reciprocal: Mark 14:13 - Go


And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples?

The Master: Luke 19:31, Luke 19:34, Matthew 21:3, John 11:28
Where is: Luke 19:5, Revelation 3:20


And he shall shew you a large upper room furnished: there make ready.

he: John 2:25, John 21:17, Acts 16:14, Acts 16:15
a large: Acts 1:13, Acts 20:8


And they went, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the passover.

Luke 21:33, John 2:5, John 11:40, Hebrews 11:8
Reciprocal: Mark 14:16 - and found Luke 2:16 - found


And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him.

Deuteronomy 16:6, Deuteronomy 16:7, Matthew 26:20, Mark 14:17
Reciprocal: Matthew 10:2 - apostles Romans 2:10 - and peace


And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer:

With desire I have desired: or, I have heartily desired, Luke 12:50, John 4:34, John 13:1, John 17:1
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 16:2 - sacrifice Matthew 26:2 - know Matthew 26:29 - I will Matthew 26:46 - General 1 Thessalonians 2:17 - endeavoured


For I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God.

I will not: Luke 22:18-20
until: Luke 22:30, Luke 12:37, Luke 14:15, John 6:27, John 6:50-58, Acts 10:41, 1 Corinthians 5:7, 1 Corinthians 5:8, Hebrews 10:1-10, Revelation 19:9
Reciprocal: Mark 14:25 - I will


And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves:

took: Psalms 23:5, Psalms 116:13, Jeremiah 16:7
gave: Luke 22:19, Luke 9:16, Deuteronomy 8:10, 1 Samuel 9:13, Romans 14:6, 1 Timothy 4:4, 1 Timothy 4:5
Reciprocal: Mark 14:23 - when Luke 22:42 - cup


For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of God shall come.

I will not: Luke 22:16, Matthew 26:29, Mark 14:23, Mark 15:23
the fruit: Judges 9:13, Psalms 104:15, Proverbs 31:6, Proverbs 31:7, Song of Solomon 5:1, Isaiah 24:9-11, Isaiah 25:6, Isaiah 55:1, Zechariah 9:15, Zechariah 9:17, Ephesians 5:18, Ephesians 5:19
until: Luke 9:27, Luke 21:31, Daniel 2:44, Matthew 16:18, Mark 9:1, Acts 2:30-36, Colossians 1:13
Reciprocal: Psalms 116:13 - I will take


And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.

he took: Matthew 26:26-28, Mark 14:22-24, 1 Corinthians 10:16, 1 Corinthians 11:23-29
gave thanks: Luke 22:17, Luke 24:30, John 6:23, 1 Thessalonians 5:18
is my: Luke 22:20, Genesis 41:26, Genesis 41:27, Ezekiel 37:11, Daniel 2:38, Daniel 4:22-24, Zechariah 5:7, Zechariah 5:8, 1 Corinthians 10:4, Galatians 4:25
given: John 6:51, Galatians 1:4, Ephesians 5:2, Titus 2:14, 1 Peter 2:24
this do: Psalms 78:4-6, Psalms 111:4, Song of Solomon 1:4, 1 Corinthians 11:24
Reciprocal: Genesis 47:7 - And Jacob Exodus 12:14 - memorial Exodus 13:3 - Remember Exodus 16:32 - General Exodus 30:16 - a memorial Numbers 31:54 - a memorial Deuteronomy 16:3 - mayest Psalms 48:9 - lovingkindness Psalms 105:5 - Remember Ezekiel 5:5 - This Matthew 14:19 - he blessed Matthew 15:36 - and gave thanks Matthew 26:28 - my Luke 9:16 - he blessed Acts 20:7 - to break Galatians 4:24 - for Ephesians 5:25 - loved


Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.

This: Exodus 24:8, Zechariah 9:11, 1 Corinthians 10:16-21, 1 Corinthians 11:25, Hebrews 8:6-13, Hebrews 9:17, Hebrews 12:24, Hebrews 13:20
Reciprocal: Psalms 48:9 - lovingkindness Psalms 116:13 - I will take Jeremiah 31:31 - I Ezekiel 5:5 - This Matthew 26:26 - this Matthew 26:27 - he took Mark 14:22 - as Luke 22:19 - is my 1 Corinthians 11:23 - took 2 Corinthians 3:6 - the new Galatians 4:24 - for Ephesians 5:25 - loved Hebrews 7:22 - of a Hebrews 8:8 - a new 1 John 5:6 - blood


But, behold, the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table.

Job 19:19, Psalms 41:9, Micah 7:5, Micah 7:6, Matthew 26:21-23, Mark 14:18, John 13:18, John 13:19, John 13:21, John 13:26
Reciprocal: Psalms 55:13 - mine acquaintance Matthew 26:23 - He that Mark 14:19 - and to Luke 22:3 - being John 19:6 - the chief priests


And truly the Son of man goeth, as it was determined: but woe unto that man by whom he is betrayed!

truly: Luke 24:25-27, Luke 24:46, Genesis 3:15, Psalms 22:1-31, Psalms 69:1-36, Isaiah 53:1-12, Daniel 9:24-26, Zechariah 13:7, Matthew 26:24, Matthew 26:53, Matthew 26:54, Mark 14:21, Acts 2:23, Acts 4:25-28, Acts 13:27, Acts 13:28, Acts 26:22, Acts 26:23, 1 Corinthians 15:3, 1 Corinthians 15:4, 1 Peter 1:11
but: Psalms 55:12-15, Psalms 69:22-28, Psalms 109:6-15, Matthew 27:5, John 17:12, Acts 1:16-25, 2 Peter 2:3
Reciprocal: Psalms 2:1 - rage Luke 22:37 - this John 13:21 - one Acts 4:28 - to do Revelation 17:17 - to fulfil


And they began to inquire among themselves, which of them it was that should do this thing.

Matthew 26:22, Mark 14:19, John 13:22-25
Reciprocal: Psalms 2:1 - rage Matthew 20:24 - they


And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest.

Luke 9:46, Matthew 20:20-24, Mark 9:34, Mark 10:37-41, Romans 12:10, 1 Corinthians 13:4, Philippians 2:3-5, James 4:5, James 4:6, 1 Peter 5:5, 1 Peter 5:6
Reciprocal: Numbers 16:10 - and seek Judges 8:23 - I will Proverbs 13:10 - Only Matthew 5:19 - great Matthew 18:1 - Who Matthew 20:21 - Grant Mark 10:41 - they Romans 12:16 - Mind 1 Peter 5:3 - as 3 John 1:9 - who loveth


And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors.

Matthew 20:25-28, Mark 10:41-45
Reciprocal: Mark 10:42 - Ye know 2 Corinthians 4:5 - and


But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve.

Luke 9:48, Matthew 18:3-5, Matthew 23:8-12, Romans 12:2, 1 Peter 5:3, 3 John 1:9, 3 John 1:10
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 3:11 - poured water Matthew 20:27 - whosoever Matthew 23:11 - General Mark 10:45 - came John 13:14 - I then 2 Corinthians 4:5 - and


For whether is greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth? is not he that sitteth at meat? but I am among you as he that serveth.

Luke 12:37, Luke 17:7-9, Matthew 20:28, John 13:5-16, 2 Corinthians 8:9, Philippians 2:7, Philippians 2:8
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 3:11 - poured water Isaiah 49:7 - to a Matthew 23:11 - General Mark 10:45 - came John 12:2 - Martha John 13:4 - laid aside John 13:14 - I then Philippians 2:5 - General


Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations.

Matthew 19:28, Matthew 19:29, Matthew 24:13, John 6:67, John 6:68, John 8:31, Acts 1:25, Hebrews 2:18, Hebrews 4:15
Reciprocal: 2 Samuel 2:2 - General 2 Samuel 15:15 - Behold 2 Samuel 19:33 - Come thou 1 Kings 2:7 - eat 1 Kings 2:26 - hast been Matthew 25:21 - I will Mark 10:29 - There John 17:24 - I will Acts 14:22 - we 2 Corinthians 1:7 - as ye James 1:12 - the crown


And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me;

Luke 12:32, Luke 19:17, Matthew 24:47, Matthew 25:34, 1 Corinthians 9:25, 2 Corinthians 1:7, 2 Timothy 2:12, James 2:5, 1 Peter 5:4, Revelation 21:14
Reciprocal: Joshua 12:6 - gave it 2 Samuel 2:2 - General 2 Samuel 15:15 - Behold Isaiah 22:23 - a glorious Daniel 7:22 - judgment Matthew 13:43 - in Matthew 26:29 - with Mark 14:25 - I will Luke 12:44 - that he will Acts 1:6 - restore Acts 14:22 - we Romans 8:17 - heirs of Ephesians 2:6 - sit 2 Timothy 4:18 - and will Revelation 2:26 - to him will I give Revelation 2:27 - even


That ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.

eat: Luke 22:16-18, Luke 12:37, Luke 14:15, 2 Samuel 9:9, 2 Samuel 9:10, 2 Samuel 19:28, Matthew 8:11, Revelation 19:9
and sit: Psalms 49:14, Matthew 19:28, 1 Corinthians 6:2, 1 Corinthians 6:3, Revelation 2:26, Revelation 2:27, Revelation 3:21, Revelation 4:4,*Gr.
Reciprocal: Exodus 24:4 - according Exodus 28:21 - according to the twelve 2 Samuel 9:7 - eat bread Ezra 6:17 - according to Esther 5:1 - sat Isaiah 22:23 - a glorious Isaiah 25:6 - make Ezekiel 40:39 - tables on that Daniel 7:22 - judgment Obadiah 1:21 - to judge Zechariah 3:7 - judge Matthew 24:47 - That Matthew 26:29 - with Mark 9:1 - the kingdom Mark 14:25 - I will Luke 6:13 - twelve Luke 9:48 - he that Luke 12:44 - that he will Luke 19:17 - been John 17:22 - the glory Acts 26:7 - our Romans 8:17 - heirs of Ephesians 2:6 - sit Revelation 7:4 - all Revelation 20:4 - thrones


And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:

Simon: Luke 10:41, Acts 9:4
Satan: Job 1:8-11, Job 2:3-6, Zechariah 3:1, 1 Peter 5:8, Revelation 12:10
sift: Amos 9:9
Reciprocal: 1 Chronicles 21:1 - Satan Job 1:12 - Behold Job 2:6 - save Psalms 23:3 - restoreth Psalms 31:24 - Be of Psalms 37:24 - Though Psalms 145:14 - upholdeth Ecclesiastes 4:10 - if Isaiah 28:28 - Bread Isaiah 30:28 - his breath Isaiah 42:3 - bruised Matthew 4:3 - the tempter Matthew 6:13 - lead Matthew 14:28 - bid Matthew 14:31 - and caught Matthew 26:31 - All Matthew 26:75 - And he Mark 5:12 - General Mark 14:27 - All Luke 8:13 - which John 10:28 - neither John 13:2 - the devil John 13:37 - why John 20:6 - General 1 Corinthians 10:13 - hath 2 Corinthians 2:11 - General Ephesians 2:2 - the spirit 2 Timothy 2:18 - overthrow 2 Timothy 2:26 - at 2 Peter 1:1 - Peter Revelation 3:2 - strengthen Revelation 12:9 - and Satan


But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

I have: Zechariah 3:2-4, John 14:19, John 17:9-11, John 17:15-21, Romans 5:9, Romans 5:10, Romans 8:32, Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25, 1 Peter 1:5, 1 John 2:1, 1 John 2:2
thy faith: Luke 8:13, 2 Timothy 2:18, Titus 1:1, Hebrews 12:15, 1 Peter 1:1, 1 John 2:19
and when: Luke 22:61, Luke 22:62, Matthew 18:3, Matthew 26:75, Mark 14:72, Mark 16:7, Acts 3:19
strengthen: Psalms 32:3-6, Psalms 51:12, Psalms 51:13, John 21:15-17, 2 Corinthians 1:4-6, 1 Timothy 1:13-16, Hebrews 12:12, Hebrews 12:13, 1 Peter 1:13, 1 Peter 5:8-10, 2 Peter 1:10-12, 2 Peter 3:14, 2 Peter 3:17, 2 Peter 3:18
Reciprocal: 1 Samuel 23:16 - strengthened 2 Samuel 10:11 - General 2 Chronicles 33:16 - commanded Job 1:12 - Behold Job 2:6 - save Job 4:3 - and thou hast Psalms 23:3 - restoreth Psalms 31:24 - Be of Psalms 37:24 - Though Psalms 94:18 - My foot Psalms 145:14 - upholdeth Ecclesiastes 4:10 - if Isaiah 28:28 - Bread Isaiah 35:3 - General Isaiah 42:3 - bruised Daniel 10:18 - he Matthew 4:3 - the tempter Matthew 14:31 - and caught Matthew 16:17 - Blessed Matthew 23:8 - all Matthew 26:31 - All Mark 5:12 - General Mark 14:27 - All Luke 6:42 - cast Luke 22:43 - strengthening John 10:28 - neither John 20:6 - General Acts 1:15 - Peter Acts 18:23 - strengthening 1 Corinthians 10:13 - who 1 Corinthians 13:8 - never 1 Corinthians 13:13 - faith Ephesians 4:12 - perfecting Philippians 1:25 - for Colossians 1:23 - ye continue 1 Thessalonians 5:14 - comfort 2 Timothy 2:26 - at Hebrews 5:2 - is compassed James 5:19 - and one 1 Peter 5:9 - stedfast 1 Peter 5:10 - strengthen Revelation 3:2 - strengthen


And he said unto him, Lord, I am ready to go with thee, both into prison, and to death.

I am: 2 Kings 8:12, 2 Kings 8:13, Proverbs 28:26, Jeremiah 10:23, Jeremiah 17:9, Matthew 20:22, Matthew 26:33-35, Matthew 26:40, Matthew 26:41, Mark 14:29, Mark 14:31, Mark 14:37, Mark 14:38, John 13:36, John 13:37, Acts 20:23, Acts 20:24, Acts 21:13
Reciprocal: Psalms 78:9 - turned Proverbs 20:6 - proclaim Matthew 8:19 - I will Luke 22:54 - And Peter Luke 22:57 - he denied John 11:16 - Let John 18:10 - General Acts 12:4 - he put Galatians 5:17 - so


And he said, I tell thee, Peter, the cock shall not crow this day, before that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me.

the cock: Matthew 26:34, Matthew 26:74, Mark 14:30, Mark 14:71, Mark 14:72, John 13:38, John 18:27
Reciprocal: Matthew 8:19 - I will Matthew 26:72 - I do not Mark 14:29 - Although Luke 22:54 - And Peter Luke 22:57 - he denied Luke 22:60 - the cock Luke 22:61 - Before Acts 13:27 - because


And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing.

When: Luke 9:3, Luke 10:4, Matthew 10:9, Matthew 10:10, Mark 6:8, Mark 6:9
lacked: Luke 12:29-31, Genesis 48:15, Deuteronomy 8:2, Deuteronomy 8:3, Deuteronomy 8:16, Psalms 23:1, Psalms 34:9, Psalms 34:10, Psalms 37:3, Matthew 6:31-33
Reciprocal: Deuteronomy 2:7 - these forty 1 Kings 11:22 - But 1 Kings 17:6 - the ravens Matthew 6:28 - why Mark 14:16 - and found Luke 4:4 - That Acts 4:34 - was 2 Corinthians 8:15 - General


Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

But: Matthew 10:22-25, John 15:20, John 16:33, 1 Thessalonians 2:14, 1 Thessalonians 2:15, 1 Thessalonians 3:4, 1 Peter 4:1
Reciprocal: 1 Chronicles 5:22 - the war was of God Joel 3:10 - your plowshares Matthew 6:28 - why Matthew 26:51 - General


For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end.

this: Luke 22:22, Luke 18:31, Luke 24:44-46, Matthew 26:54-56, John 10:35, John 19:28-30, Acts 13:27-29
And he: Luke 23:32, Isaiah 53:12, Mark 15:27, Mark 15:28, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Galatians 3:13
Reciprocal: Matthew 4:14 - it Matthew 24:6 - must Matthew 27:38 - General Mark 14:49 - but Luke 20:17 - What Acts 2:23 - being Revelation 17:17 - to fulfil


And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough.

It: Matthew 26:52-54, John 18:36, 2 Corinthians 10:3, 2 Corinthians 10:4, Ephesians 6:10-18, 1 Thessalonians 5:8, 1 Peter 5:9


And he came out, and went, as he was wont, to the mount of Olives; and his disciples also followed him.

he came: Matthew 26:36-38, Mark 14:32-34, John 18:1, John 18:2
as: Luke 21:37, Mark 11:11, Mark 11:19, Mark 13:3
Reciprocal: Genesis 3:15 - thou 2 Samuel 15:30 - the ascent Matthew 26:30 - they went Mark 1:35 - General Mark 14:26 - hymn Luke 9:18 - as Luke 11:1 - that Luke 19:29 - Bethany


And when he was at the place, he said unto them, Pray that ye enter not into temptation.

Pray: Luke 22:46, Luke 11:4, 1 Chronicles 4:10, Psalms 17:5, Psalms 19:13, Psalms 119:116, Psalms 119:117, Psalms 119:133, Proverbs 30:8, Proverbs 30:9, Matthew 6:13, Matthew 26:41, Mark 14:38, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Ephesians 6:18, Ephesians 6:19, 1 Peter 4:7, 1 Peter 5:8, 1 Peter 5:9, Revelation 3:10
Reciprocal: John 18:1 - he


And he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast, and kneeled down, and prayed,

and kneeled: Matthew 26:39, Mark 14:35
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 8:54 - kneeling 2 Chronicles 6:13 - kneeled down Ezra 9:5 - I fell Psalms 22:2 - in the night Psalms 95:6 - kneel Psalms 110:1 - The Lord Daniel 6:10 - he kneeled Mark 1:40 - kneeling Mark 14:36 - take Acts 7:60 - he kneeled Acts 20:36 - he kneeled Ephesians 3:14 - I


Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.

Father: Matthew 26:42, Matthew 26:44, Mark 14:36, John 12:27, John 12:28
willing, remove: Gr. willing to remove
cup: Luke 22:17-20, Isaiah 51:17, Isaiah 51:22, Jeremiah 25:15, Matthew 20:22, John 18:11
not: Psalms 40:8, John 4:34, John 5:30, John 6:38, Hebrews 10:7-10
Reciprocal: Matthew 26:39 - and prayed Mark 10:38 - drink of the Acts 21:14 - The will Romans 8:15 - Abba Galatians 1:4 - according Hebrews 5:7 - in that he feared


And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him.

an: Luke 4:10, Luke 4:11, Psalms 91:11, Psalms 91:12, Matthew 4:6, Matthew 4:11, Matthew 26:53, 1 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 1:6, Hebrews 1:14
strengthening: Luke 22:32, Deuteronomy 3:28, Job 4:3, Job 4:4, Daniel 10:16-19, Daniel 11:1, Acts 18:23, Hebrews 2:17
Reciprocal: 1 Samuel 23:16 - strengthened Isaiah 35:3 - General Daniel 10:18 - he John 1:51 - and the 2 Corinthians 13:4 - he was


And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

being: Genesis 32:24-28, Psalms 22:1, Psalms 22:2, Psalms 22:12-21, Psalms 40:1-3, Psalms 69:14-18, Psalms 88:1-18, Psalms 130:1, Psalms 130:2, Psalms 143:6, Psalms 143:7, Lamentations 1:12, Lamentations 3:53-56, Jonah 2:2, Jonah 2:3, John 12:27, Hebrews 5:7
his: Isaiah 53:10, Lamentations 1:12, Romans 8:32
Reciprocal: 1 Samuel 1:10 - prayed 2 Samuel 22:7 - my distress Job 7:11 - the anguish Psalms 22:14 - I am Psalms 50:15 - call Psalms 55:5 - horror Psalms 61:2 - my heart Psalms 69:13 - my prayer Psalms 86:7 - General Psalms 88:15 - while Psalms 102:1 - overwhelmed Psalms 109:22 - and my Psalms 116:3 - sorrows Psalms 120:1 - my distress Psalms 143:4 - my heart Song of Solomon 5:2 - my head Isaiah 53:11 - see Matthew 26:37 - sorrowful Mark 14:33 - and began Mark 14:54 - and warmed Luke 22:55 - had John 18:18 - for Acts 16:25 - prayed Romans 8:26 - with 2 Corinthians 7:7 - earnest 2 Corinthians 13:4 - he was Galatians 4:19 - of Colossians 2:1 - what Colossians 4:12 - always James 5:13 - any among


And when he rose up from prayer, and was come to his disciples, he found them sleeping for sorrow,

sleeping: Matthew 26:40, Matthew 26:43, Mark 14:37, Mark 14:40, Mark 14:41
Reciprocal: 1 Kings 8:54 - when Solomon Daniel 8:18 - I was Daniel 10:9 - was I Jonah 1:5 - and was Zechariah 4:1 - waked Mark 13:36 - he find Luke 9:32 - were heavy John 16:6 - General John 16:20 - That


And said unto them, Why sleep ye? rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.

Why sleep ye: Luke 22:40, Luke 21:34-36, Proverbs 6:4-11, Jonah 1:6
Reciprocal: Jonah 1:5 - and was Zechariah 4:1 - waked Matthew 26:41 - Watch Mark 14:37 - and findeth Mark 14:38 - Watch Luke 9:32 - were heavy Luke 11:4 - lead 1 Corinthians 10:13 - hath Galatians 5:17 - so Ephesians 6:18 - watching 1 Thessalonians 5:6 - let us not 1 Peter 4:7 - and


And while he yet spake, behold a multitude, and he that was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them, and drew near unto Jesus to kiss him.

while: Matthew 26:45-47, Mark 14:41-43, John 18:2-9
Judas: Luke 22:3-6, Matthew 26:14-16, Matthew 26:47, Mark 14:10, Mark 14:43, Acts 1:16-18
Reciprocal: 2 Samuel 20:9 - to kiss him Psalms 55:13 - mine acquaintance Psalms 109:5 - hatred Proverbs 26:23 - General Jeremiah 41:1 - they did Matthew 10:4 - and Matthew 27:3 - Judas Mark 14:20 - It is John 18:3 - Judas Acts 1:17 - he Acts 4:27 - the people 2 Peter 2:3 - with


But Jesus said unto him, Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?

betrayest: 2 Samuel 20:9, 2 Samuel 20:10, Psalms 55:21, Proverbs 27:6, Matthew 26:48-50, Mark 14:44-46
Reciprocal: Genesis 4:8 - talked Judges 16:10 - now tell me Job 19:19 - they whom Psalms 55:13 - mine acquaintance Psalms 109:5 - hatred Proverbs 26:23 - General Jeremiah 41:1 - they did Matthew 26:47 - lo Matthew 26:50 - Friend Matthew 27:3 - Judas Mark 14:43 - while


When they which were about him saw what would follow, they said unto him, Lord, shall we smite with the sword?

Reciprocal: 2 Kings 6:21 - shall Matthew 14:28 - bid Matthew 26:51 - General Mark 14:47 - General John 18:10 - General Acts 4:30 - By stretching


And one of them smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear.

Matthew 26:51-54, Mark 14:47, John 18:10, John 18:11, Romans 12:19, 2 Corinthians 10:4
Reciprocal: Job 31:31 - the men Matthew 14:28 - bid


And Jesus answered and said, Suffer ye thus far. And he touched his ear, and healed him.

Suffer: John 17:12, John 18:8, John 18:9
And he: Romans 12:21, 2 Corinthians 10:1, 1 Peter 2:21-23
Reciprocal: Job 31:31 - the men Matthew 20:34 - touched Mark 6:56 - touch Luke 9:56 - And Acts 16:28 - cried James 5:6 - and he


Then Jesus said unto the chief priests, and captains of the temple, and the elders, which were come to him, Be ye come out, as against a thief, with swords and staves?

Jesus: Matthew 26:55, Mark 14:48, Mark 14:49
captains: Luke 22:4, 2 Kings 11:15, John 17:12, Acts 5:26
Reciprocal: Matthew 21:39 - caught Matthew 27:41 - General John 7:32 - sent Acts 4:3 - laid Acts 4:13 - they took Acts 5:24 - the captain


When I was daily with you in the temple, ye stretched forth no hands against me: but this is your hour, and the power of darkness.

I was: Luke 21:37, Luke 21:38, Matthew 21:12-15, Matthew 21:23, Matthew 21:45, Matthew 21:46, John 7:25, John 7:26, John 7:30, John 7:45
but: Judges 16:21-30, Job 20:5, John 12:27, John 16:20-22
the power: John 14:30, Acts 26:18, 2 Corinthians 4:3-6, Ephesians 6:12, Colossians 1:13, Revelation 12:9-12
Reciprocal: Genesis 3:15 - thou Psalms 13:2 - exalted Psalms 22:21 - me from Matthew 4:11 - the devil Matthew 26:18 - My time Matthew 26:45 - the hour Matthew 26:55 - Are Mark 14:48 - Are John 7:32 - sent John 13:1 - knew John 17:1 - the hour John 19:11 - Thou Acts 5:42 - daily Acts 12:1 - stretched forth his hands Hebrews 2:18 - suffered


Then took they him, and led him, and brought him into the high priest's house. And Peter followed afar off.

took: Our blessed Lord before his death passed another examination. One was before the Jewish Sanhedrim, whose proper province it was to try such as were accused as false prophets or blasphemers. This was a kind of ecclesiastical court. The other, with which the next chapter opens, was before Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea at that time; he principally took cognizance of criminal things, such especially as concerned the peace of the country, considered as part of the Roman empire. Matthew 26:57, Matthew 26:58, Mark 14:53, Mark 14:54, John 18:12-17, John 18:24
And Peter: Luke 22:33, Luke 22:34, 2 Chronicles 32:31
Reciprocal: Psalms 38:11 - afar off Matthew 14:30 - when Mark 14:30 - before Luke 24:34 - hath John 18:15 - Simon John 18:17 - the damsel Acts 4:3 - laid Galatians 5:17 - so


And when they had kindled a fire in the midst of the hall, and were set down together, Peter sat down among them.

had: Luke 22:44, Matthew 26:69, Mark 14:66, John 18:17, John 18:18
Peter: Psalms 1:1, Psalms 26:4, Psalms 26:5, Psalms 28:3, Proverbs 9:6, Proverbs 13:20, 1 Corinthians 15:33, 2 Corinthians 6:15-17
Reciprocal: Matthew 26:57 - General Mark 14:54 - and he


But a certain maid beheld him as he sat by the fire, and earnestly looked upon him, and said, This man was also with him.

a certain maid: Matthew 26:69, Mark 14:6, Mark 14:17, Mark 14:66-68, John 18:17
Reciprocal: Mark 14:54 - and he John 9:22 - because John 13:38 - The cock John 18:18 - who John 18:25 - stood Acts 4:13 - they took


And he denied him, saying, Woman, I know him not.

he denied: Luke 22:33, Luke 22:34, Luke 12:9, Matthew 10:33, Matthew 26:70, John 18:25, John 18:27, Acts 3:13, Acts 3:14, Acts 3:19, 2 Timothy 2:10-12, 1 John 1:9
Reciprocal: John 18:17 - the damsel


And after a little while another saw him, and said, Thou art also of them. And Peter said, Man, I am not.

another: A maid challenged Peter in the second instance, according to Matthew and Mark; yet here it is said ופוסןע [Strong's G2087], another (man) and he also answers to a man. But ופוסןע [Strong's G2087], as Wetstein shows, may be, and is in innumerable instances applied to a female; and Matthew says, "she said to them that were there," and Mark, "she began to say to them that stood by." So that the maid gave the information to those around her, and some man charged Peter with it. Probably several joined in the accusation, though he answered to an individual, for John says, "They said unto him," etc. Matthew 26:71, Matthew 26:72, Mark 14:69, Mark 14:70, John 18:25
Reciprocal: Luke 12:14 - Man Romans 2:3 - O man


And about the space of one hour after another confidently affirmed, saying, Of a truth this fellow also was with him: for he is a Galilaean.

confidently: Matthew 26:73, Matthew 26:74, Mark 14:69, Mark 14:70, John 18:26, John 18:27
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 19:17 - Of a truth


And Peter said, Man, I know not what thou sayest. And immediately, while he yet spake, the cock crew.

the cock: Luke 22:34, Matthew 26:74, Matthew 26:75, Mark 14:71, Mark 14:72, John 18:27
Reciprocal: Psalms 37:24 - Though Matthew 26:73 - Surely Mark 14:70 - a little John 18:26 - Did Romans 2:3 - O man


And the Lord turned, and looked upon Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.

turned: Luke 10:41, Mark 5:30
looked: Job 33:27, Isaiah 57:15-18, Jeremiah 31:18-20, Hosea 11:8, Acts 5:31
And Peter: Ezekiel 16:63, Ezekiel 36:31, Ezekiel 36:32, Ephesians 2:11, Revelation 2:5
Before: Luke 22:34, Matthew 26:34, Matthew 26:75, John 13:38
Reciprocal: Song of Solomon 5:6 - my soul Mark 8:33 - turned Luke 20:17 - beheld Luke 22:32 - and when John 1:38 - turned John 21:17 - grieved 2 Corinthians 7:8 - though I made


And Peter went out, and wept bitterly.

and wept: Psalms 38:18, Psalms 126:5, Psalms 126:6, Psalms 130:1-4, Psalms 143:1-4, Jeremiah 31:18, Ezekiel 7:16, Zechariah 12:10, Matthew 5:4, Matthew 26:75, Mark 14:72, 1 Corinthians 10:12, 2 Corinthians 7:9-11
Reciprocal: Song of Solomon 5:6 - my soul Luke 7:38 - weeping Luke 22:32 - and when John 16:20 - That John 21:17 - grieved 2 Corinthians 7:8 - though I made


And the men that held Jesus mocked him, and smote him.

the men: Matthew 26:59-68, Mark 14:55-65, John 18:22
mocked: Job 16:9, Job 16:10, Job 30:9-14, Psalms 22:6, Psalms 22:7, Psalms 22:13, Psalms 35:15, Psalms 35:16, Psalms 35:25, Psalms 69:7-12, Isaiah 49:7, Isaiah 50:6, Isaiah 50:7, Isaiah 52:14, Isaiah 53:3, Micah 5:1, Matthew 27:28-31, Matthew 27:39-44, Mark 15:16-20, Mark 15:27-32, Hebrews 12:2, 1 Peter 2:23
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 1:11 - O man 2 Chronicles 30:10 - they laughed 2 Chronicles 36:16 - mocked Psalms 22:16 - assembly Jeremiah 20:7 - I am Matthew 26:67 - and others Matthew 26:68 - Prophesy Mark 10:34 - mock Mark 14:65 - General Mark 15:19 - they smote Luke 18:32 - mocked Acts 4:27 - the people Acts 17:32 - some


And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee?

blindfolded: Judges 16:21, Judges 16:25
Reciprocal: 2 Kings 1:11 - O man 2 Chronicles 30:10 - they laughed 2 Chronicles 36:16 - mocked Isaiah 3:5 - base Isaiah 50:6 - gave Isaiah 52:14 - his visage Jeremiah 20:7 - I am Jeremiah 37:15 - the princes Matthew 5:39 - whosoever Mark 14:65 - General Luke 6:29 - smiteth Luke 23:11 - set John 18:22 - struck James 2:7 - blaspheme 1 Peter 2:23 - when he was


And many other things blasphemously spake they against him.

blasphemously: Luke 12:10, Matthew 12:31, Matthew 12:32, Acts 26:11, 1 Timothy 1:13, 1 Timothy 1:14
Reciprocal: Psalms 50:20 - speakest Luke 23:11 - set Acts 18:6 - they James 2:7 - blaspheme 1 Peter 2:23 - when he was Revelation 2:9 - the blasphemy


And as soon as it was day, the elders of the people and the chief priests and the scribes came together, and led him into their council, saying,

as soon: Matthew 27:1, Mark 15:1
elders: Psalms 2:1-3, Acts 4:25-28, Acts 22:5
Reciprocal: Psalms 119:23 - Princes Proverbs 4:16 - General Matthew 21:15 - when Matthew 26:63 - that Mark 11:33 - Neither Luke 23:1 - General Luke 24:20 - General John 18:28 - early Acts 4:5 - rulers Acts 5:21 - But Acts 5:27 - set


Art thou the Christ? tell us. And he said unto them, If I tell you, ye will not believe:

Art: Matthew 11:3-5, Matthew 26:63-68, Mark 14:61-66, John 10:24
If: Luke 16:31, John 5:39-47, John 8:43-45, John 9:27, John 9:28, John 10:25, John 10:26, John 12:37-43
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 38:15 - General Mark 8:12 - Why Luke 9:20 - The Luke 23:35 - Christ John 8:25 - Who John 18:21 - ask


And if I also ask you, ye will not answer me, nor let me go.

Luke 20:3-7, Luke 20:41-44
Reciprocal: Jeremiah 38:15 - General Luke 20:8 - General


Hereafter shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the power of God.

shall: Matthew 26:64, Mark 14:62
on: Psalms 110:1, Daniel 7:13, Daniel 7:14, Matthew 22:44, Mark 16:19, Acts 2:34-36, Acts 7:55, Acts 7:56, Romans 8:34, Ephesians 1:20-23, Ephesians 4:8-10, Colossians 3:1, Hebrews 1:3, Hebrews 8:1, Hebrews 12:2, 1 Peter 3:22, Revelation 3:21, Revelation 22:1
Reciprocal: Matthew 16:27 - the Son Matthew 24:30 - see Matthew 25:31 - the Son Luke 23:2 - that Luke 23:41 - but John 1:51 - the Son


Then said they all, Art thou then the Son of God? And he said unto them, Ye say that I am.

the Son: Luke 4:41, Psalms 2:7, Psalms 2:12, Matthew 3:17, Matthew 27:43, Matthew 27:54, John 1:34, John 1:49, John 10:30, John 10:36, John 19:7
Ye say: Luke 23:3, Matthew 26:64, Mark 14:62, Mark 15:2, John 18:37
Reciprocal: Luke 23:2 - that Luke 23:41 - but


And they said, What need we any further witness? for we ourselves have heard of his own mouth.

Matthew 26:65, Matthew 26:66, Mark 14:63, Mark 14:64
Reciprocal: Matthew 20:18 - they