
O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me.

thou hast: Psalms 139:23, Psalms 11:4, Psalms 11:5, Psalms 17:3, Psalms 44:21, 1 Kings 8:39, 1 Chronicles 28:9, Jeremiah 12:3, Jeremiah 17:9, Jeremiah 17:10, John 21:17, Hebrews 4:13, Revelation 2:18, Revelation 2:23
Reciprocal: Genesis 3:8 - hid Genesis 16:13 - Thou Genesis 18:21 - I will know Joshua 22:22 - he knoweth 1 Samuel 20:12 - O Lord 2 Samuel 7:20 - knowest 2 Samuel 12:9 - to do evil 1 Kings 14:5 - the Lord 2 Kings 6:12 - telleth 2 Kings 19:27 - I know 1 Chronicles 17:18 - thou knowest 2 Chronicles 32:31 - to try him Job 10:7 - Thou knowest Job 10:14 - then Job 14:16 - thou numberest Job 22:14 - General Job 23:10 - he knoweth Job 31:4 - General Job 33:27 - I have sinned Psalms 1:6 - knoweth Psalms 7:9 - for Psalms 73:11 - is there Psalms 73:23 - Nevertheless Psalms 90:8 - Thou Psalms 94:9 - hear Proverbs 5:21 - General Isaiah 29:15 - seek Isaiah 48:8 - thine ear Jeremiah 23:23 - General Obadiah 1:6 - are the Matthew 6:4 - seeth Mark 9:33 - What Luke 16:15 - God Luke 19:5 - he looked John 1:48 - when John 16:19 - Jesus Acts 15:8 - which Acts 17:27 - he be 1 Corinthians 8:3 - is 1 Thessalonians 2:4 - but God 1 John 3:20 - and


Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.

knowest: Psalms 56:8, Genesis 16:13, 2 Kings 6:12, 2 Kings 19:27, Proverbs 15:3, Isaiah 37:28, Zechariah 4:10
understandest: Psalms 94:11, Matthew 9:4, Luke 9:47, John 2:24, John 2:25, 1 Corinthians 4:5
afar off: Ezekiel 38:10, Ezekiel 38:11, Ezekiel 38:17
Reciprocal: Exodus 14:3 - Pharaoh Deuteronomy 31:21 - I know 1 Samuel 16:7 - on the heart 2 Samuel 12:9 - to do evil 1 Chronicles 28:9 - the Lord 2 Chronicles 32:31 - to try him Job 10:7 - Thou knowest Job 22:14 - General Job 42:2 - no Psalms 1:6 - knoweth Psalms 19:12 - secret Psalms 31:6 - hated Psalms 40:9 - thou knowest Psalms 119:151 - near Psalms 138:6 - afar off Psalms 142:3 - then thou Jeremiah 17:10 - the Lord Jeremiah 23:25 - heard Lamentations 3:63 - their sitting Ezekiel 11:5 - for Ezekiel 20:32 - that which Amos 4:13 - and declareth Matthew 12:25 - Jesus Mark 2:8 - Why Luke 5:22 - perceived Luke 16:15 - God John 1:48 - when John 6:64 - For Acts 15:8 - which 1 Corinthians 8:3 - is 2 Corinthians 10:5 - every thought 1 Thessalonians 2:4 - but God Hebrews 4:12 - and is


Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.

compassest: or, winnowest, Job 13:26, Job 13:27, Job 14:16, Job 14:17, Job 31:4, Matthew 3:12
my path: Psalms 139:18, Psalms 121:3-8, Genesis 28:10-17, 2 Samuel 8:14, 2 Samuel 11:2-5, 2 Samuel 11:27
and art acquainted: 2 Samuel 12:9-12, Proverbs 5:20, Proverbs 5:21, Ecclesiastes 12:14, Isaiah 29:15, Jeremiah 23:24, John 6:70, John 6:71, John 13:2, John 13:21, Acts 5:3, Acts 5:4
Reciprocal: Genesis 31:12 - I have seen Psalms 119:168 - for all my Jeremiah 16:17 - General Ezekiel 11:5 - for Daniel 5:23 - and whose


For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether.

there is not: Psalms 19:14, Job 8:2, Job 38:2, Job 42:3, Job 42:6-8, Zephaniah 1:12, Malachi 3:13-16, Matthew 12:35-37, James 1:26, James 3:2-10
thou knowest: Psalms 50:19-21, Jeremiah 29:23, Hebrews 4:12, Hebrews 4:13
Reciprocal: Exodus 14:3 - Pharaoh Job 37:20 - Shall it Jeremiah 23:25 - heard Malachi 3:16 - and the Acts 5:4 - thou hast


Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.

beset me: Deuteronomy 33:27, Job 23:8, Job 23:9
and laid: Exodus 24:11, Revelation 1:17


Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.

knowledge: Psalms 40:5, Psalms 13:1, Job 11:7-9, Job 26:14, Job 42:3, Proverbs 30:2-4, Romans 11:33
Reciprocal: Job 11:8 - deeper Job 37:19 - we Psalms 71:19 - Thy righteousness Psalms 119:129 - testimonies Psalms 131:1 - high for me Psalms 145:3 - and his greatness is unsearchable Proverbs 30:18 - too Ecclesiastes 7:24 - General Isaiah 40:28 - no searching Zechariah 4:5 - No 1 Corinthians 13:9 - General Ephesians 3:18 - able


Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

Jeremiah 23:23, Jeremiah 23:24, Jonah 1:3, Jonah 1:10, Acts 5:9
Reciprocal: Exodus 20:18 - they removed Joshua 10:16 - and hid 1 Kings 8:27 - the heaven 2 Chronicles 6:18 - heaven Jeremiah 43:8 - General Hosea 7:13 - fled Amos 9:2 - dig Matthew 2:19 - an


If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.

I ascend: Ezekiel 28:12-17, Amos 9:2-4, Obadiah 1:4
in hell: Job 26:6, Job 34:21, Job 34:22, Proverbs 15:11, Jonah 2:2
Reciprocal: Exodus 20:18 - they removed Job 17:13 - I have made Psalms 16:10 - my Jeremiah 51:53 - mount Ezekiel 32:25 - set her


If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;

If I take: Light has been proved, by many experiments, to travel at the astonishing rate of 194,188 miles in one second of time; and comes from the sun to the earth, a distance of 95,513,794 miles in 8 minutes and nearly 12 seconds! But, could I even fly upon the wings or rays of the morning light, which diffuses itself with such velocity over the globe from east to west, instead of being beyond Thy reach, or by this sudden transition be able to escape Thy notice, Thy arm could still at pleasure prevent or arrest my progress, and I should still be encircled with the immensity of Thy essence. The sentiment in this noble passage is remarkably striking and the description truly sublime.
the wings: Psalms 18:10, Psalms 19:6, Malachi 4:2
dwell: Psalms 74:16, Psalms 74:17, Isaiah 24:14-16
Reciprocal: 2 Samuel 22:11 - upon the Job 11:9 - longer Job 38:13 - take Psalms 55:6 - General Psalms 61:2 - From Psalms 104:3 - walketh Amos 9:3 - hid


Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.

Psalms 63:8, Psalms 73:23, Psalms 143:9, Psalms 143:10, Isaiah 41:13
Reciprocal: Job 11:9 - longer Psalms 61:2 - From Psalms 104:20 - makest Psalms 119:117 - Hold


If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.

Surely: Psalms 10:11-13, Psalms 94:7, Job 22:12-14, Isaiah 29:15, Jeremiah 23:24
even the night: Job 12:22
Reciprocal: Numbers 32:23 - be sure your sin 1 Kings 3:20 - midnight Job 22:14 - General Job 26:6 - Hell Job 34:22 - no Ezekiel 16:36 - and thy Daniel 2:22 - he knoweth Hebrews 4:13 - is there


Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.

the darkness: Exodus 14:20, Exodus 20:21, Job 26:6, Job 34:22, Daniel 2:22, Hebrews 4:13
hideth not: Heb. darkeneth not
the darkness: etc. Heb. as is the darkness, so is the light
Reciprocal: Job 12:22 - discovereth Job 13:20 - hide myself Job 22:14 - General Ezekiel 16:36 - and thy Matthew 6:4 - seeth


For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.

For thou: Job 10:9-12
covered me: Psalms 22:9, Psalms 22:10, Psalms 71:6, Job 31:15, Isaiah 44:2, Isaiah 46:3, Jeremiah 1:5
Reciprocal: Job 3:11 - when I came Psalms 100:3 - it is he Psalms 139:15 - when I Isaiah 44:24 - and he Romans 1:20 - from the 1 Corinthians 12:17 - General


I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

for I am fearfully: Genesis 1:26, Genesis 1:27
marvellous: Psalms 92:4, Psalms 92:5, Psalms 104:24, Psalms 111:2, Job 5:9, Revelation 15:3
right well: Heb. greatly
Reciprocal: Genesis 2:7 - formed man Job 10:10 - poured Job 31:15 - did not one fashion us in the womb Psalms 98:1 - for he Psalms 119:73 - Thy hands Ecclesiastes 11:5 - nor Mark 7:37 - were Luke 9:43 - amazed


My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

substance: or, strength, or body
when I: Psalms 139:13, Job 10:9-11, Exodus 11:5
in the lowest: Psalms 63:9, Ephesians 4:9
Reciprocal: Genesis 2:7 - formed man Psalms 22:9 - that took Psalms 71:6 - thou art Ecclesiastes 11:5 - nor Ephesians 4:16 - fitly Colossians 2:19 - by


Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

in thy book: Psalms 56:8, Malachi 3:16, Revelation 20:12
all my members: Heb. all of them
which in continuance were fashioned: or, what days they should be fashioned
Reciprocal: Exodus 32:32 - blot me Psalms 22:9 - that took Psalms 71:6 - thou art Ephesians 4:16 - fitly Colossians 2:19 - by


How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!

precious: Psalms 40:5, Proverbs 8:31, Isaiah 55:8, Isaiah 55:9, Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesians 3:9, Ephesians 3:10
how great: Psalms 31:19, Psalms 36:7
Reciprocal: Genesis 24:63 - to meditate Psalms 63:6 - General Psalms 68:19 - daily Psalms 71:15 - I know Psalms 92:5 - thoughts Psalms 104:34 - meditation Psalms 106:2 - utter Psalms 119:148 - eyes Psalms 147:5 - his understanding is infinite


If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.

they are more: Psalms 40:12
when I awake: Psalms 139:3, Psalms 3:5, Psalms 16:8-11, Psalms 17:15, Psalms 63:6, Psalms 63:7, Isaiah 26:19, Daniel 12:2, 1 Thessalonians 5:10
Reciprocal: Genesis 24:63 - to meditate Job 5:9 - without number Psalms 40:5 - thoughts Psalms 71:15 - I know Psalms 73:23 - Nevertheless Psalms 104:34 - meditation Psalms 106:2 - utter Psalms 119:55 - night Psalms 119:148 - eyes Psalms 147:5 - his understanding is infinite Habakkuk 1:9 - they shall gather


Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men.

Surely: Psalms 5:6, Psalms 9:17, Psalms 55:23, Psalms 64:7, Psalms 94:23, Isaiah 11:4
depart from: Psalms 6:8, Psalms 119:115, Matthew 7:23, Matthew 25:41, 2 Corinthians 6:17
Reciprocal: Genesis 4:8 - Cain rose Genesis 49:6 - come 2 Chronicles 32:19 - spake Esther 7:6 - this wicked Psalms 26:9 - bloody men Psalms 59:2 - save


For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain.

for they speak: Psalms 73:8, Psalms 73:9, Psalms 74:18, Psalms 74:22, Psalms 74:23, Job 21:14, Job 21:15, Isaiah 37:23, Isaiah 37:28, Isaiah 37:29, Jude 1:15, Revelation 13:6
thine: Psalms 2:1-3, Exodus 20:7
Reciprocal: Leviticus 24:16 - blasphemeth Deuteronomy 5:11 - General 2 Chronicles 32:19 - spake


Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?

Do not I: Psalms 15:4, Psalms 31:6, 2 Chronicles 19:2, Revelation 2:2, Revelation 2:6
and am not: Psalms 119:136, Psalms 119:158, Jeremiah 13:17, Mark 3:5, Luke 19:41, Romans 9:1-3
Reciprocal: Leviticus 11:10 - they shall be Numbers 11:10 - Moses 1 Kings 11:2 - Solomon 1 Kings 22:4 - I am as thou 2 Chronicles 18:3 - I am as thou Job 10:7 - Thou knowest Psalms 26:5 - hated Proverbs 29:27 - General Ecclesiastes 3:8 - time to love Amos 5:15 - Hate Micah 3:2 - love Matthew 5:43 - and hate 2 Corinthians 6:14 - for


I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.

hate them: Psalms 101:3-8, Luke 14:26
Reciprocal: Leviticus 11:10 - they shall be 1 Kings 22:4 - I am as thou 2 Chronicles 19:2 - Shouldest Psalms 26:5 - hated Amos 5:15 - Hate Micah 3:2 - love Matthew 5:43 - and hate 2 Corinthians 6:14 - for Revelation 2:6 - that


Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:

Search me: Psalms 139:1, Psalms 26:2
know: Deuteronomy 8:2, Deuteronomy 8:16, Job 31:6, Proverbs 17:3, Zechariah 13:9, Malachi 3:2, Malachi 3:3, 1 Peter 1:7
Reciprocal: Exodus 33:5 - I may 2 Chronicles 32:31 - to try him Job 9:21 - yet would Job 10:2 - show me Job 13:9 - search Job 13:23 - make me Job 34:21 - General Job 34:32 - which Psalms 11:5 - trieth Psalms 19:12 - secret Psalms 77:6 - and Proverbs 4:23 - Keep Proverbs 12:5 - thoughts Jeremiah 12:3 - knowest Jeremiah 17:10 - the Lord Jeremiah 20:12 - that Lamentations 3:40 - search Luke 9:47 - perceiving John 3:21 - he that 2 Corinthians 13:5 - Examine


And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

And see: Psalms 7:3, Psalms 7:4, Psalms 17:3, Proverbs 28:26, Jeremiah 17:9, Jeremiah 17:10
wicked way: Heb. way of pain, or grief, Hebrews 12:15, Hebrews 12:16
and lead: Psalms 5:8, Psalms 25:8, Psalms 25:9, Psalms 119:1, Psalms 119:32, Psalms 143:8, Psalms 143:10
the way: Matthew 7:14, John 14:6, Colossians 2:6
Reciprocal: 2 Chronicles 32:31 - to try him Job 9:21 - yet would Job 10:2 - show me Job 34:32 - which Psalms 11:5 - trieth Psalms 19:12 - secret Psalms 26:2 - General Psalms 31:3 - lead Psalms 77:6 - and Proverbs 4:23 - Keep Proverbs 15:24 - way Lamentations 3:40 - search John 3:21 - he that 2 Corinthians 13:5 - Examine Revelation 14:6 - everlasting